Project and Background
A local co-operative society in the suburb of Stockholm, Sweden, needed a brand new website that adequately represents its brand value and services they provide to the area residents. As a pioneer of modern town houses built in the late 60's, the society needed to maintain its reputation and evolve as a community. Transformation was a needed priority.
The Goal:
The goal from that start has been to create a digital service, not just a website. Purposefully, the webpage was built around simplicity of hierarchy, pleasant user experience and engaging content at the center of the design strategy. As such, we created content with a touch of locality supported by clear typeface, 'big' buttons för easy navigation as well as attention getting visuals to set the standard of the design strategy and design execution.
The content is created around practical how-to-do approach. For instance, What should I do when/if licensing a parking lot or a garage, How to pay a bill, Living Rules and Conditions and Town House Ownership and Responsibilities. Also, the website has sections for announcement of events, get-togethers and general meetings. The webpage offers resources and items and documents for download to serve the needs of the residents.
Target audience
This's really a wide shot target audience of 25-75 YO while some of the TA is savvy online users, some not so tech-savvy. It's a mix of tetirrd people and young families with kids - thus the design strategy, goals and execution. Different preference points among the target audiences meant design decisions had to be taken with lots of thoughtful considerations and mindfulness thinking.
We applied MariaDB (MySQL) database along with PHP to make up the ideal combination for the development of the web site with rich and interactive user experiences. Responsive of course.
The process in this particular case was linear, meaning we leaned on a few core components throughout. This of course quite depends on the needs of that particular project. To keep us focused we started with Immersion, then a unifying Strategy, moving on to sketching a Concept and a unified visual vocabulary, Testing, to then Creating the system, and finalizing with Documenting and delivery.
My role
My role in this project was multiple; Research, User Experience Design, Design strategy, UI Design, copywriting, Hands-on userinterface design, and Content creation.
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